Call for papers
THE SI'S FACING PARADIGM SHIFTS: DECARBONISATION, REHUMANISATION AND THE SEARCH FOR MEANING If Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a fertile theme that has infused management sciences over the last two decades, the societal and organisational issues that arise from it have never been so prevalent. CSR is defined by the European Commission as "the voluntary integration by enterprises of social and environmental concerns into their business operations and their interaction with their stakeholders". CSR issues are central to management science, particularly in the field of information systems management (e.g. Raisinghani and Idemudia, 2019; Shareef et al., 2021; Trid et al., 2019; Weng, 2022).
Although this is a particularly prolific research theme, questions remain regarding the responsibility of all actors acting in the entrepreneurial environment in the broad sense, and in the field of information systems in particular (e.g. Asadi et al., 2021; Butler and Hackney, 2021). In this respect, Trid et al (2019) highlight a strong link between environmental objectives, skills and organisational culture with regard to environmental issues, and in particular in the relationship between corporate governance and employees. While its application has been reflected in the regulatory (PACTE law) and normative (ISO 26000) frameworks, CSR can also be analysed in terms of simulacra (Baudrillard and Evans, 1991), by mimicking supposedly responsible organisations, in particular by adopting strategies, or even artefacts (of which information systems are an emblematic emanation to say the least).
Moreover, its mandatory nature, due to the combined effect of isomorphism and standardisation of practices, raises the question of the evolution of organisational governance in post-CSR organisations. In particular, the evolution of value creation and control systems raises questions (Fallery, 2016). IS, as the pillar of these control mechanisms, are profoundly affected. The continuous improvement process for increasingly responsible information systems is already underway, with the aim of reducing ecological and/or social or even economic footprints. However, certain documents, such as the sixth IPCC report published in April 2022 , suggest that this approach is not going fast enough. Research on the 'post-CSR' also contributes to a reflective and critical approach to the CSR mechanisms put in place in organisations. CSR is a source of innovation but has limits to be explored, involving the organisation, but also all its stakeholders (e.g. suppliers, employees, customers, users), while contributing to the creation of common social capital (Kwon and Adler, 2014). Trischler et al (2020) show in this respect the importance of adopting a transversal approach to CSR within organisations, in order to develop real ecosystems, or even arenas of collective choice (Ostrom, 2010), driven by their social capital. The positioning of this conference will thus be anchored in this desire for transversality.
The AIM 2023 conference will be an opportunity to question the roles and challenges of information systems in the face of the social and environmental concerns of many actors acting along the value chain. Prospects for more sustainable and humane organizations (Biot-Paquerot et al., 2021) can be envisaged by discussing the conditions of ICT use, implementation and IS policy at the macro scale but also their effects at the meso and micro scale. Considering that digital activities represent 4% of global CO2 emissions, a greener and more sustainable digital transition raises many challenges. To feed the reflection on the role of IS on decarbonization, rehumanization and the search for meaning, we expect contributions that could address the following topics (non-exhaustive list):
Authors are invited to submit their work within the general theme of the AIM 2023 conference, the punctual thematic tracks and the multi-year themes carried by the AIM thematic groups (AIMTG). More information to come on the AIM website ( and the conference website (
THEMES, TRACKS & GTAIM Authors are invited to submit their work within the general theme of the AIM 2023 conference, the specific thematic tracks and the multi-year themes led by the AIM Thematic Groups (GTAIM). More information to come on the AIM website ( and the conference website (
The conference will take place in Dijon (France), in the premises of BSB - Burgundy School Of Business, 29 rue Sambin in Dijon.
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Guillaume BIOT-PAQUEROT, Burgundy School of Business Amélie CLAUZEL, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne Caroline RICHE, Université Paris Saclay
ORGANISATION COMMITTEE Guillaume BIOT-PAQUEROT, Burgundy School of Business
Samantha AYLETT, Burgundy School of Business Marta BALLATORE, Burgundy School of Business Claire COPPARD, Burgundy School of Business Magalie DUARTE, Burgundy School of Business Magalie DUBOIS, School of Wine & Spirit Business, Burgundy School of Business Alexandre Farzan ENTEZAM, Burgundy School of Business Franziska GOURDIN, Burgundy School of Business Frank Mahé LENTZ, Burgundy School of Business
Asadi, S., Nilashi, M., Samad, S., Rupani, P. F., Kamyab, H., & Abdullah, R. (2021). A proposed adoption model for green IT in manufacturing industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 297, 126629. Baudrillard, J., & Evans, A. B. (1991). Simulacra and Science Fiction (Simulacres et science-fiction). Science Fiction Studies, 309-313. Bertin, E., Colléaux, A., & Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, A. (2020). Collaboration in the digital age: From email to enterprise social networks. Systemes d'information management, 25(1), 7-46. Biot-Paquerot, G., Assadi, D., Ashta, A. (2021), La création de valeur des fintechs dans l’offre de services bancaires et financiers : entre deshumanisation et réhumanisation, Innovations, 64(1), 209-235. Butler, T., & Hackney, R. (2021). The role of informational mechanisms in the adoption of Green IS to achieve eco-sustainability in municipalities. Information & Management, 58(3), 103320. Fallery, B. (2016). Du logiciel libre au management libre: coordination par consensus et gouvernance polycentrique. Management Avenir, (8), 127-150. Golicic, S. L., Lenk, M. M., & Hazen, B. T. (2020). A global meaning of supply chain social sustainability. Production Planning & Control, 31(11-12), 988-1004. Kwon, S.-W., Adler, P.S. (2014), Social capital: Maturation of a field of research. Academy of Management Review, 39(4), 412-422. Luthra, S., Kumar, A., Zavadskas, E. K., Mangla, S. K., & Garza-Reyes, J. A. (2020). Industry 4.0 as an enabler of sustainability diffusion in supply chain: an analysis of influential strength of drivers in an emerging economy. International Journal of Production Research, 58(5), 1505-1521. Ostrom, E. (2010), Beyond Markets and States: Polycentric Governance of Complex Economic Systems. American Economic Review, 100(3), 641-72. Pan, S. L., Li, M., Pee, L. G., & Sandeep, M. S. (2021). Sustainability design principles for a wildlife management analytics system: An action design research. European Journal of Information Systems, 30(4), 452-473. Raisinghani, M. S., & Idemudia, E. C. (2019). Green information systems for sustainability. In Green business: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (pp. 565-579). IGI Global. Shareef, M. A., Dwivedi, Y. K., Wright, A., Kumar, V., Sharma, S. K., & Rana, N. P. (2021). Lockdown and sustainability: An effective model of information and communication technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 165, 120531. Trid, S., Corbett, J., & Bouchard, L. (2019). Modèle théorique de projets de Green IS: une spécification des relations entre objectifs, compétences et culture environnementale. Systemes d'information management, 24(1), 7-45. Trischler, J., Johnson, M., & Kristensson, P. (2020). A service ecosystem perspective on the diffusion of sustainability-oriented user innovations. Journal of Business Research, 116, 552-560. Weng, W. H. (2022, April). Understanding the Critical Factors in Information System Sustainability: A Practice-Based Perspective. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management Science and Industrial Engineering (pp. 201-205).
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