29-31 May 2023 Dijon (France)

Thematics, GTAIM & TRACKS > Organizational transformations

Organisational transformations

The analysis of the singular processes of organisational transformation associated with Information Technologies (IT) or their impacts remains a central issue in information systems. Technological evolutions are indeed constantly constituting levers that organisations can use to rethink their organisational processes, their networks or their business models. Whatever the strategic, managerial or operational intention, the management of these processes remains a challenge for organisations. Organisational transformation associated with IT can be defined as an in-depth modification of one or more dimensions of an organisation's structure that is linked to the use of an IT or a set of ITs (Besson and Rowe, 2012). The more the transformation affects the core of the organisation (its mission, its positioning, its technologies, its values), the more perilous it may prove to be (Hannan and Freeman, 1984) and reveal sources of organisational inertia (Besson and Rowe, 2011, 2012).

The objective of this theme 'IT and organisational transformation' is to provide a forum for the presentation of original research that improves our understanding of IT-related organisational transformation, whether in terms of its content, process or impact. Authors are therefore invited to pay particular attention to the clarity of their definition of the transformation under analysis.

All types of contributions are expected, both theoretical and empirical. Similarly, a diversity of methodological approaches will be favoured. We particularly wish to encourage research that renews the theoretical foundations as well as the levels of analysis of the organisational transformation associated with IT.


Envisaged themes 

What are the different types of organisational transformation associated with IT?
What are the different transformation strategies?
How can these transformations be steered or managed?
What are the choices of actors or groups of actors in a transformation situation?
How can the links between the degree of technological innovation and the intensity of the transformation be articulated?
What are the determinants or conditions of emergence of these transformational dynamics?
What are, on the contrary, the sources of inertia?
What are the positive and/or negative impacts of IT-related organisational transformation?
How can we evaluate or measure these transformation processes?
What theoretical and/or methodological anchors would allow us to explore simultaneously the different levels of analysis of the transformation; the micro level (the user), the meso level (the group or the organisation) and the macro level (the sector or the activity sector) and to articulate them between them?

Track leaders : 

Frantz Rowe (frantz.rowe@univ-nantes.fr)
Etienne Thenoz (etienne.thenoz@univ-nantes.fr)

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