29-31 May 2023 Dijon (France)

Thematics, GTAIM & TRACKS > General topics

General Topics

The main purpose of the "General Topics" section is to group contributions whose topics do not fit into the other thematic sessions of the conference. Authors are therefore invited to consult the descriptions of the other themes before submitting their papers to this one to ensure a better fit of their submissions.

The "General Topics" theme is particularly open to contributions that address information systems issues from an innovative and multidisciplinary perspective. It is also open to diversity in both perspective and research method.

Leaders who submit a paper related to the Track or the GTAIM they coordinate are invited to submit their work to this section.


Track leaders :

Johanna Habib (johanna.habib@univ-amu.fr

Jean-Charles Pillet (jean-charles.pillet@tbs-education.fr)

Clémence Cheruy (clemence.cheruy@iut-tlse3.fr)


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